The financial advisor’s office was located in a building on some street. The man entered the building and proceeded to the financial advisor’s office and was greeted by a lovely receptionist.
The man was told to enter one of two doors. One of the doors was marked “Employed” and the other “Self employed”.
Since he was employed he entered the door marked “Employed” and was greeted by two more doors, one marked “Makes less than $60,000” and the other “Makes more than $60,000.”
He earned less than $60,000, so he entered the door marked “Less than $60,000”, only to find himself facing two more doors.
One of the doors was marked “Saves more than $3,000 a year,” and the other door was marked “Saves less than $3,000 a year.”
The man was only able to save about $2,500 a year, so he entered the door marked “Saves less than $3,000 a year.”
To his surprise, he only found himself right back at where he first started at the same street.
This reminds us of the same familiar doors we are opening everyday of our lives. The same doors we open will only give us the same results and bring us back to where we originally began. We do this because of deeply rooted strong belief created out of certainty of results, comfort and above all security experienced. We see no doubt in it. However, a deeply rooted strong belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition. Life presents before us many doors (ie opportunities), but we must enter by ourselves. Everyone is an explorer. How could you possibly live your life looking at a different door and not open it because of fear of insecurity, unknown and uncertainty of better results? Our unknown space is much much bigger than known space and there lies the unlimited opportunities to be exploited for better results and brighter tomorrow.The familiar road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we either progress with great speed or leisurely, but at its end lies same results (and how long this certainty of same results or better called superstition will last???). It takes lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure path, to embrace the new. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is new hope and new refreshing breath of life. Someone once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing year in and year out, and expecting a different result or outcome.” So start opening different doors to expect different and better results in your life.
Remember the words of Robert Frost - Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference
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