July 28, 2011


Know Your Value

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a 500 $ note. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this 500 $ note?"

Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this note to one of you but first let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the note up.

He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air.

"Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now all crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, you have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth 500$/-.

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. God is always with you.

You are special. Don't ever forget it! Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow your faith in God. Pray for power from God to sustain in your faith. HE will surely support you.

Know the Value in You. Feel the Power in You.

Go Back To The Time WHEN...

I Want To Go Back To The Time
When DAD Was The Only HERO,
When The Only Thing That Could HURT Were BLEEDING KNEES,
Not The TEARS Falling Down Your Cheeks.
When The Only Things BROKEN Were TOYS,

July 25, 2011

Arranged Marriage

Every girl's desire who go in for an arranged marriage............. .............

The woods were lovely dark and deep. Walking slowly beside her, in the damp mud road, was her husband whom she barely knew. He was very relaxed, happily watching a group of kids playing at a distance.

Her "mehandi" was still dark and smelling fresh, reminding of the excitements and tension 2 days back. " It can't work this way mom...please stop this ", she kept telling her mother till the last moment, who wouldn't listen but carry on with beautifying her. She had been crying all night and her make-up had to be patched up twice or thrice to hide her awkwardly swollen face.

It was too late now. She had to get married " NOW " to the guy... The guy whom she had seen once and talked thrice . The guy about whom she knew nothing at all but for his name and work . Everything happened in a hurry and everything was over before she could breathe again... here was she with this guy, all alone in this hill station... how can anybody send their daughter such a long distance with a stranger???

"Hey look at that....!!!" he shouted in excitement... she shrugged and looked where his finger pointed... Bright colored balloons dotted the sky. Children were jumping in joy and he seemed to be completely absorbed into it...colors are always exciting...but not now. She was not with her friends, not with her teammates, not even with her parents . This was not a 3 day tour or team building trip. This was her life and she has been forced to start off with this person.

Loneliness and discomfort with this stranger was sickening... She looked at him in wonder... does he even realize that he has married me? Does he understand that he has to love me, protect me, care for me, a new girl, a stranger, all his life?

The marriage morning started like a daylight nightmare for her. The first time in life she felt she should have fallen in love and then married somebody. Some man who she would have felt more comfortable with, someone whom she could call by name and introduce to friends, someone whom she could trust . But marriage morning was obviously not the time to think all these. Her parents would never have said "no" if she had declared that she was in love. But she was not emotionally attached to anybody she met, especially guys. She was very friendly, playing, teasing, but never had second thought for any man around her. That brought the entire responsibility of looking for a groom on her parents' shoulders. Her parents had had a very bad time with this entire process. They started their groom search with unending "&" operation. The concatenation of "Horoscope matching" & "Decent family" & "Good looking" & "Good pay" & "same cast" & so on... that always gave 0 output. Now after all that months hunt, they were not ready to hear her "ifs" and "buts" for this 'good guy'.

She had explained to her father. She does not feel anything for this person. He is nothing more to me than any other software professional. Like list of names she sees in the chat rooms. Distant and usual...Her father asked her to talk to him and even meet him and discuss their likes and dislikes. That meeting started like the induction programme self introduction and ended like a 3 hour seminar. She was waiting to get away from that place. " So did you talk with him?"." yes "."was he polite and decent "." Yes "."Oh he got that special flavored tri-color ice-cream...!!!".OK. All her family and relatives discussed...She was given the chance to "understand her life partner" and that they have understood each other "well" and she is ready for the marriage now.

All arrangements geared up and it was 24 days after her first meeting that she was getting married to her man... perfect match as everybody else described. Marriage hall was full with excited people, kids got the chance to play, ladies got the chance to wear the silk saree.The smell of rose and jasmine filled the hall. Different poses for the photographer and artificial smiles for the videos. The moment he had tied the sacred thread was unexplainable vaccum in the head . It was over. She was his wife. Accepted by the society and law. Her proud parents were relaxed. This was their duty they had been planning to fulfill since she was born. All this crowd will fade away, leaving her to explore her new world...

He pulled her hand gently to sit on the stone bench. The bench was wet and the chillness was indeed enjoyable." So what are you thinking about? "... that was an unexpected ball. Should she reply? Should she be silent? She remembered the two hour presentation she had taken last month. Bold and confident, she kept answering all the queries with a broad smile. Now she remained silent." Do you know honey... I was not for this marriage too... " Oh my God... what did I hear??? Did HE tell that or did I think aloud? What does he mean? Didnt he like me? Was he forced into this ? He must have noticed the quizzical look on my face...with a gentle smile he continued..." I wanted to look for a girl myself, buy her everything, care for her, argue with her, laugh and cry with her, then get married to her ... Anything otherwise would be a drama. Traditional drama and I was not for it anytime. But my love for my work and also my stress would not give me time and mind to search that girl... When your parents talked to me 2 weeks before our marriage, about your fear of getting married, to a stranger, I could completely understand your mind. I could see myself in you and that was the moment I decided I will marry you. There was no time to prove myself to you, make you trust me, everything happened in a hurry. But there was the entire life before me, to please you, to love you, to make you trust me. This is no less than what I had dreamt, the girl i was waiting for, is you. Now tell me...'will you love me???' "

Tears came down her cheek. Her parents had done more than their duty . They had found her the perfect guy. Thank you Mom!!! Thank you Dad!!! His question remained unanswered yet both knew the answer....

Inspirational Quotes

Smooth roads never make a good driver !
Smooth sea never makes a good sailor !
Clear skies never make a good pilot !
Problem free life never makes a strong and good person !
Be strong to accept the challenges of life…..

Time is like a river
U cannot touch the same water twice,
Because the flow that has passed will never pass again….
So, enjoy every moment in life…..

“Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect
But it means you have to learn to see things beyond imperfections.”

A candle looses nothing by lighting another candle.

In life , when you get into trouble; don’t get nervous,
Just close your eyes and listen to your heart;
Because the heart may be on the left…………
But it is always right!!!

What ever you give to life, it gives you back.
Do not hate anyone..
The hatred which comes out from will come back to you.
Love others and love will come back to you.

Motivating Thought

Once there was a man, who was working as a employee in some company had serious financial problem. As a result he decided to get some advice from a renowned financial expert.

The financial advisor’s office was located in a building on some street. The man entered the building and proceeded to the financial advisor’s office and was greeted by a lovely receptionist.

The man was told to enter one of two doors. One of the doors was marked “Employed” and the other “Self employed”.

Since he was employed he entered the door marked “Employed” and was greeted by two more doors, one marked “Makes less than $60,000” and the other “Makes more than $60,000.”

He earned less than $60,000, so he entered the door marked “Less than $60,000”, only to find himself facing two more doors.

One of the doors was marked “Saves more than $3,000 a year,” and the other door was marked “Saves less than $3,000 a year.”

The man was only able to save about $2,500 a year, so he entered the door marked “Saves less than $3,000 a year.”

To his surprise, he only found himself right back at where he first started at the same street.

This reminds us of the same familiar doors we are opening everyday of our lives. The same doors we open will only give us the same results and bring us back to where we originally began. We do this because of deeply rooted strong belief created out of certainty of results, comfort and above all security experienced. We see no doubt in it. However, a deeply rooted strong belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition. Life presents before us many doors (ie opportunities), but we must enter by ourselves. Everyone is an explorer. How could you possibly live your life looking at a different door and not open it because of fear of insecurity, unknown and uncertainty of better results? Our unknown space is much much bigger than known space and there lies the unlimited opportunities to be exploited for better results and brighter tomorrow.The familiar road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we either progress with great speed or leisurely, but at its end lies same results (and how long this certainty of same results or better called superstition will last???). It takes lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure path, to embrace the new. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is new hope and new refreshing breath of life. Someone once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing year in and year out, and expecting a different result or outcome.” So start opening different doors to expect different and better results in your life.

Remember the words of Robert Frost - Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference

July 19, 2011


Friendship is always not easily described. Unfortunately, the English language isn't quite as innovative, though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning. Certainly, Love is one of those opportunities. And so, too, is Friendship.
Friends are special people. We can't pick our family, and we're sorely limited in the number of them at any rate. Society and more we select a single mate. But our friends can be as diverse and infinite as we choose. Our friends, in a very real sense, reflect the choices we make in life.
Instead of different words, however, we're stuck with simple adjectives. Close friend. Best friend. Childhood friend. Intimate friend. Trusted friend. Beloved friend. Mutual friend and so on… But whether you use adjectives or different words, few could deny the nearly infinite meaning in such a simple word.

Take my hand and follow me
to that place I long to be.
I will be a blossoming flower,
Take my hand and trust my way,
in that place forever stay.
Just waiting for the change of weather
Follow me toward the sand;
we'll run and play, hand in hand.
Where the breeze would blow over me,
Take my heart and hold it true;
forever I'll stay close to you.
And the rest can inhale the fragrance
Seize my words and listen well,
then forever I will tell.
Release your heart and feelings too,
just as I will do for you.
Trust your heart and follow me,
to that place we long to be.

Every one gives a different meaning for friendship. Each one will have a different opinion about friendship. It is really hard to describe or explain or define what friendship is…